District Employment & Counselling Centre Srinagar - Public Notice Regarding Multiple Services Offered to Unemployed Youth

District Employment & Counselling Centre Srinagar - Public Notice Regarding Multiple Services Offered to Unemployed Youth - Kashmir Student

District Employment & Counselling Centre Srinagar - Public Notice Regarding Multiple Services Offered to Unemployed Youth - Kashmir Student


Mantoo House,Post office lane, Rajbagh Srinagar Kashmir
(Tele/Fax: 0194-2310513 E-mail:deandccsgr@gmail.com)

J&K Employment Portal www.jakemp.nic.in has been integrated with the NCS (National Career Service) portal on 18th August 2022. To avail multiple services offered by NCS like career counseling, participation in online Job-fairs, Aptitude tests, Job-matching, Making of Video Resumes,information about Job vacancies, TCS ION Training,the educated unemployed youth of district Srinagar are advised to register themselves on the online portal through a convenient, cost free and user friendly process. In our endeavour to reach out to the educated unemployed youth and facilitate Last Mile Employability (LME) for the desirous Job-seekers in Public sector, Private sector and particularly Self employment Sector, DE&CC Srinagar is inviting all the desirous youth to visit our centre and seek proper guidance/information from the Resource persons. Further all the unemployed educated youth of District Srinagar who have registered themselves on the Departmental web portal www.jakemp.nic.in till now are requested to participate in the Special Counselling Sessions to be held at District Employment and Counselling Centre Srinagar as per the appended schedule:

Candidate who have registered in the month;

Date and time of Counselling at District Employment and Counselling Centre Srinagar

01. January, 2022
30.08.2022 at 11.30 AM

02. February, 2022
06.09.2022 at 11.30 AM 

03. March, 2022
13.09.2022 at 11.30 AM

04. April, 2022
20.09.2022 at 11.30 AM

05. May, 2022
07.10.2022 at 11.30 AM

06. June, 2022
18.10.2022 at 11.30 AM

07. July, 2022
04.10.2022 at 11.30 AM 

For further queries feel free to contact Mr. Manzoor Ahmad Rather, Career Counselling Officer (7006803814) OR Mr. Ishfaq Ahmad Wani (7006036821), Employment Officer DE&CC Srinagar during the office working hours.

                       Deputy Director Employment
                   DE&CC, Srinagar.

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