JKSSB Assistant Compiler CBT Exam Papers ebook | Download Here
JKSSB Assistant Compiler CBT Exam Papers ebook | Download Here
JKSSB Assistant Compiler CBT Exam 2021-2022: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board recently conducted Computer based Test (CBT) examination of the Assistant Compiler posts.
Total Number of Aspirants:
Around 70 thousand aspirants have appiled for the Assistant compiler posts, out of which around 40 thousand aspirants appeared in the CBT examination.
Date of Examination:
The examination was conducted from 20 Dec 2021 to 12 January 2022 across Jammu & Kashmir.
Number of Posts:
Total number of posts = 27, out of which only 13 posts fall in Open Merit (OM) Category.
Cut-off Analysis:
40 thousands aspirants for 27 posts, Cut-off will be 100 percentile or in other words the selection lists will be composed among the toppers. In simple words, it means that even some toppers scoring 100 percentile will not be in the selection list as the number of shifts in which CBT examination was conducted is more than the number of OM posts.
Key Note:
So, if you don't yourself in the selection list, don't be sad. Consider this examination simply a demo test for 10+2 level posts. Work hard for other +2 level posts like Veterinary Pharmacist, Stock Assistant and various other posts.
JKSSB Assistant Compiler CBT Exam ebook: As JKSSB Assistant Compiler examination mode was CBT type. So aspirants find it difficult to know the paper of other shifts. Our team composed the full ebook of Assistant Compiler CBT exam papers, all shifts, all papers. Download below from the given download link. This ebook will prove beneficial for 10+2 level posts.
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Note: The file is around 20 MB. So it make take some time to download it completely.