JKBOPEE Provisional Merit List of NEET (MBBS) UG 2021 Candidates | Check Here
Whereas, consequent upon declaration of the NEET UG 2021 result by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on 01-11-2021, a tentative score list for information of the candidates on the basis of NEET data received by the BOPEE from MOH&FW Government of India, was notified vide Notification No. 127-BOPEE of 2021 dated 15-11-2021; read with Notice No. 080-BOPEE of 2021 dated 27-11-2021 and Notice No.-082-BOPEE of 2021 dated 0212-2021; and
Whereas, vide Notification No. 003-BOPEE of 2022 dated 08-01-2022 read with Notice No. 001-BOPEE of 2022 dated 12-01-2022, eligible candidates were advised to register themselves and upload their documents on the BOPEE website for verification/updation of category status, through online mode w.e.f. 11-01-2022 to 16-01-2022, which was subsequently extended upto 17-01-2022 so that Provisional UT Merit List (PML) could be prepared and notified/uploaded on the official website of BOPEE www.jkbopee.gov.in Whereas, online registration forms and the uploaded documents have been scrutinized by the Board, and, inter alia, it has been found/ noticed as under:
I. Some of the candidates who have not qualified as per the cut off score declared by the NTA have also registered themselves and submitted their documents through online mode, their candidature devoid of any merits has been rejected.
II. Whereas, the candidates who have registered themselves under Sports Category, shall be considered in the said category only if their names figured in Annexure "A" to the Notification No. 001-BOPEE of 2022 dated 05-01-2022 already uploaded on BOPEE website, otherwise they shall be treated as OM Category candidates.
III. Some candidates who have filled up registration forms and whose forms are deficient due to non-availability of one or more documents (which include Domicile certificate, NEET Score Card, DOB by Board, 12th class Marks Card etc.) have been provisionally approved and shall be allowed for counselling subject to the condition that, if selected, they shall submit all the deficient documents as...
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