JKBOSE Class 11th Guess/Model Papers | Download Here
JKBOSE Class 11th Guess/Model Papers | Download Here
JKBOSE Class 11th Guess Papers, JKBOSE Model Papers | Download Here
It is notified for the information of all the candidates of Higher Secondary Examination Part-1st Class 11th for the Academic Session 2021 in case of Kashmir Division, Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division including Leh (Ladakh) Division and Academic Session 2021 in case of Summer Zone areas of Jammu Division that the pattern/design of question papers has been modified and the new question papers shall be now framed on the analogy of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for the Annual (Regular) Examination scheduled to be held in November, 2021 in Kashmir Division/Winter Zones areas of Jammu Division Including Leh Division and in Feb-March, 2022 in case of Summer Zone of Jammu Division.
The pattern of the papers will be same as the pattern of 2021, all the guess papers /model papers of the Class 11th has been made available, Click below on the respective links to download guess papers of the respective subjects:
2. Botany
4. Chemistry
6. Economics
7. Education
9. Geography
10. History
11. Home Science
13. Islamic Studies
Note: The other remaining subjects guess/model papers will be uploaded in next post. Keeping visiting our site.
If you're not able to Download, share our link & try after sometime.