Secondary Education: 
Meaning of Secondary Education: 
Secondary Education in ordinary sense means that education which occupies the second stage in the structural ladder of National education system. At present it is a four year course comprising of class 9th. to class 12th. 
 According to National Policy on Education1986, secondary education should include 2 years of high school and 2 years of senior secondary school. Thus from the above we can say that education 
which is imparted after the completion of elementary education is called secondary education. 
Objectives: We can highlight the objectives of secondary education 
as under: 
a. Development of Democratic Citizenship:- Citizenship in a democracy is a very exciting and challenging responsibility for which every citizen has to be trained. Democracy can be successful only if the citizens are conscious of their rights and duties. It indicates the development of intellectual, moral and social qualities which cannot 
grow of their own accord. In a democratic social order, the individual must exercise his or her own independent judgment in all kinds of complicated social, economic and political issues.
b. Improvement of vocational efficiency: The secondary education has stressed upon the need of making technical and 
vocational efficiency as the mainobjective. Students should be taught to appreciate the dignity of work and to realize that prosperity and self fulfillment is possible only through work. 
c. Development of personality:- According to secondary education commission, secondary education must help our students to realize the sources of creative energy so that they must be able to appreciate their cultural heritage and give a place of honor to the subjects like art, craft, music, dancing and the development of habits.  
d. Education for leadership:- According to secondary education commission, secondary education should not be a preparation for university education only but should discharge their duties efficiently. Hence secondary education should aim at training the students to assume the responsibility of leadership in social, political, cultural and industrial fields.  

Objectives of Secondary education according to National policy
of education (NPE1986):-
NPE has set the following aims of education:
i. All round development:- Education should aim at all-round development of students.  
ii. Development of socialism, secularism and democracy:- Education should refine sensitivity and perception that contribute to national cohesion, scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit. This will automatically lead the development of socialism, secularism and democracy.  
iii. National self reliance:- Education should aim at developing national self reliance by preparing manpower for the development of economy at different levels. To achieve this aim there should be provision of various courses and education should be vacationalized.  
iv. International co-operation and peaceful co-existence:-  Indian philosophers have treated the whole world as on family. Therefore education is necessary for maintaining and strengthening the philosophy by creating international understanding in the students.  

Problems of secondary education or (Present Status)
There has been a general criticism against secondary education in index. A number of points has been raised against it. The secondary education commission (1952-53) and Kothari education commission, after a thorough study expressed dissatisfaction against secondary education prevailing in the country. 
Secondary education commission pointed out the following defects in the existing secondary education. 
I. Isolated from real life:- The education given in our school is isolated from real life. It does not give students insight into the every day world in which they are living. That is why when they come out of the school after completing education, they feel ill-adjusted and can’t take their place confidently and competently in the community. 
II. Narrow and one sided:- All-round development of personality is the university accepted aim of education. But our presently system of secondary education is totally unable to fulfill this aim. 
It trains the students only in academic skills of reading and writing. Other aspects of personality such as emotions tastes and practical attitudes are largely ignored. 
III. Fails to create self-confidence:- As secondary education is isolated from real life it fails to create self- confidence in the students. 
IV. Over crowded classes:- The increase in the size of class has considerably reduced personal contact between student and teacher .Besides this the number of students is increasing day by day but this rapid increasing is not in proportion of teaching and personal & instructional material. Education is supported to train the character and inculcate sense of discipline in the students . But it is not possible in over crowed classes. 
V. English as a medium of instruction ;- English as a medium of instruction hampers the progress of students; The students who does not possess special linguistic ability remained handicapped in the studies instead of their intelligence.  
Faulty examination system:- Examination system is rigid unreliable and stereotyped. It curbs the teachers’ initiative, the mental and physical strength of the students. It discourages the spirit of experimentation.  

Q: What is Vocationalization of education at secondary level?
Ans:-Vocationalization of education means learning of skills or range of skills through the study of technologies and related sciences. In other words it means giving a vocational touch to education in order to bring it closer to productivity in agricultural and industry.  
Kothari education commission (1964-66) states that ‘Vocationalization of education is not be given in place of general education. But both vocational courses should go side by side. There should be no separation between the two. General educational courses should have the elements of vocational education and vocational education courses should have elements of general education.  

Need and importance of vocational education:- Vocational education has been recommended by all thinkers, educationists, leaders and commissions. Its importance can be judged from the following points.  
i. Solution of unemployment:- Our present educational system is responsible for unemployment in the country, which prepares students only for white collar jobs. This problem is increasing day by day it can be solved by Vocationalization of secondary education, so that the students after completing their education can take –up some jobs. Mahatma Gandhi had rightly remarked a true education ought to be for children a kind of insurance against unemployment.  
ii. Development of abilities and personality:- Our present system of education gives general education to be the students whether it is accordingly to their abilities or not. With Vocationalization of education all those abilities of the students will be developed on which they have special interests and aptitude. Introduction to vocational courses at secondary stage will prove very useful to the students in the development of their special abilities. 
iii. Development of moral values:- It is rightly said that an empty mind is devil’s workshop. In fact all immoralities and evils raise their head when an individual is unable to earn his livelihood or is unable to adjust himself to society. Vocationalization of education is an insurance against unemployment and ill-adjustment. Therefore it helps to develop moral values in society. 
iv. Increasing national productivity:- Development of national economy depends upon the amount of national productivity will be increased considerably. 
v. Preparing students for identified occupation:- The national policy on education 1986 observes that the introduction of systematic and well-planned programs of vocational education is important in the proposed educational re-organization. 
vi. Boon to backward:- V.O.E is the only hope for the children having low intelligence. It will help them to become active partners in learning process. 
vii. Attainment of social efficiency:- V.O.E helps an individual to attain social efficiency. He does not become a parasite on others. 
viii. Attainment of happiness:- The true objective of education is happiness. Man feels really very happy when he is adjusted to his occupation. V.O.E is the only programme through which he will be adjusted to his occupation. 
ix. Minimizing social misfits:- V.O.E helps in filling the right person at the right place. Thus it avoids social misfits and wastage of human talent. 

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