Class 12th English | Chapter 6: PUNISHMENT IN KINDERGARTEN

Lesson No 6              
Punishment in Kindergarten
(Kamala Das)
Q1.Explain the phrase “The World is a Little more Own”?
Ans. The poet is now grown up. She thinks independently on her own lines. Her mind has found an adult peace. She is in a position to express herself freely. These things were a dream to her when she was a small kid.

Q2.Who was the blue –frocked woman? Why does the poet remember her?
Ans. The blue –frocked woman was Kamala Das’s teacher. The poet remembers her  because she (the teacher )had caused her penetrating pain when she was her taught.

Q3.What hurts more physical punishment or harsh words? Why?
Ans. Harsh words hurt more. They have direct linkage with emotions and feelings. They pierce through the heart of hearts and their effect is more lasting.

Q4.Why did the other children laugh at the poet?
Ans. The other children laughed at the poet because the teacher rebuked her (the poet)sternly in front of them.

Q5.Why do you think the words of the blue –frocked woman are muffled now?
Ans. The words of the blue –frocked woman are muffled now  because many years have passed since the incident of rebuking.

Q6.How different is the world today to the poet?
Ans. The world today is completely different to the poet She is grown up now. She is free to think. She has now developed and expressed a world of her own ideas.

Reference to the context:-

1."Today the world is little more my own.
No need to remember to pain
A blue-frocked woman caused….”
a. Who was the blue –frocked woman?
Ans:-The blue –frocked woman was teacher of Kamala Das.

b)How does she cause the poet pain?
Ans:-She caused the poet pain by throwing harsh and penetrating words at her.

c) When was the world a little less her own?
Ans:-When the poet was a school child, the world was a little less her own.

2.“The words are muffled now, the laughing Faces only a blur .The years have----------------At beloved halts and moving.”
 a)Whose words and laughter are being referred to her?
Ans:-Words of Kamala Das’s teacher and laugher of her schoolmates are being referred to here.

b)What has caused the change in the words and laughter?
Ans. Passing of time and its healing power have caused the change in the words and laughter.

c)How has life been to the poet since her school days?
Ans:-Life has been a combination of bitter and sweet experiences to the poet since her school days.     

Explanation with reference to the context 
1-“Today the world is a little more my own……….A peculiar child you are !”
Context:-These lines have been taken from the poem “Punishment in Kindergarten” written by Kamala Das. Here, the poet presents her bitter experience of her childhood in general and the picnic day in particular.
Explanation:-In the lines here under discussion, the poet says that she has become independent in her world. Therefore ,there is no need to recall the pain which her teacher had inflicted upon her by insulting her with harsh words before other schoolmates.

2."On the lawn ,in clusters sat my schoolmates  sipping ………And smelt the flowers and the pain”
Context:- Same as above
Explanation:-In the lines here under discussion, the poet presents the reaction of her schoolmates and her inner feelings after she was rescued by her teacher. The schoolmates laughed at the poet without realizing her inner pain. The poet hid  her face behind the bushes and experienced the mixture of fragrance and pain. 

3."The words are muffled now, the laughing………Sadly on”
Context:- Same as above
Explanation:-In the lines here under discussion, the poet says that many years have passed since the teacher had rebuked her and the schoolmates laughed at her. The words of the teacher and the laughing faces of the classmates have become now faint. She becomes disappointed while recalling her past.

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